선교지 소식

조회 수 3588
아래의 편지는 Ryun Chang 선교사(멕시코)님으로부터 김충룡 장로님께 온 편지입니다. 기도해 주실 때 참고하시기 바랍니다.

I was on my way to Malibu, California, when I got the news of my dad´s passing.  What was I doing there?  

The Christian Global Network (CGN which is a satelite Christian TV station) crew was taking me there to film 12 teaching sessions dealing with outlandish claims made against the historicity of Christianity raised by Elaine Pagels, Bart Ehrman, Dan Brown and Michael Baigent.  (I am avoiding to say it was about Da Vanci Code because that book is nothing more than the tip of an iceberg.)

Was it hard to film these 12 sessions that totaled 300 minutes in one day (25 min per session)?  Yes and no!  "Yes," because it was physically strenous but "NO" because I was really inspired by the way my father passed away.  I did it for the glory of God but in honor of my father who had died around 4 AM Saturday.  

The timing of the two events makes me want to believe that perhaps God intends to use this teaching serie in more meaninful ways that I had initially anticipated.   Now that it has been done I sure hope so.  

And that´s what I am asking you to pray:

Pray for much wisdom during the editing process (subtitles in Korean and Spanish are expected to be added) and its eventual release on the air and also in DVD format.  

I am not sure whether you are familiar with Dr. Pagels' and Elrman´s arguments but their criticism of historicism is what eventually resuled in books like Da Vanci Code.  Basically their claim is that the NT did not "create" the Christian orthodox faith but the Church Fathers did it with their money and power in ruthless fashions.  

I had prepared a long time for this serie (about 140 powerpoint slides), reading several primary sources to really comprehend their arguments.

I think this took can be a valuable tool for many who are wavering in faith as well as those who stop seeking because of this type of insidious claims (sofisma in Spanish but I cannot think of it in English).

Also pray for me for this weekend´s conference that I am asked to lead in San Luis Potosi, Mexico from Nov 30 through Dec 3.  I am asked to deal with issues dealing with eschatology.  

Believe me, I won´t be setting any dates for the Lord´s coming, but I am going to show from the Bible (biblical theology) about the fundamental eschatological issue of the relationship between church and Israel.  

The bottomline: The Imminent Return of Christ is a doctrine that all believers should be reminded of daily in order to live as salt and light both in our local as well as global context.


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